terça-feira, 7 de março de 2017

Mystic Messenger: respostas corretas dia 4 Casual Story

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Ps: O nome na frente da resposta corresponde ao personagem com quem você ganhará um coração. Os símbolos  ★ ✦ ✸ são para ligar as respostas, pois as vezes uma resposta pode desencadear uma outra resposta e assim por diante. os -- significam que a resposta não dá coração para nenhum personagem.

4th Day - Casual Story

00:18 Jaehee worries about Jumin 

Jaehee, you're still awake? (Jaehee)

When is Jumin coming? (Jumin)

Oil Prince! I'm sure he must be very rich. ---

You're still thinking about work this late. That's amazing. (Jaehee) 

Everyone needs compliments and encouragement. (Jaehee)
To be honest, I'm jealous of you. ---

Hurry and rest, Jaehee. (Jaehee)

Good bye. ---

- - -

03:24 Do not drink coffee

Do you still feel tired? ---
Seven, get a good night's rest? (707)

Just take it out on Yoosung. (707)
You should play games. ---

Yoosung~ I missed you. (Yoosung)
Omg. He really came. (707)

What's big trouble? (Yoosung)
Yoosung... what do we do now? (707)

Seven's just messing around lol (Yoosung) 
Ya. U'll be in trouble if u drink coffee. (707)

-_- (707)
lolololol ---

You should prepare yourself. (707)

I think fainting is a bit too much... (Yoosung)

Ya. It exists. (707)

Whoever named it is a bit...;; ---

What's wrong with the name lolololol A disease called Drink Caffeine and Faint lololol (Yoosung)

Last year there were about 1024 deaths in the country... (707)

A stroke of good luck in this misfortune. (707)

^^;; (Yoosung) 

I wasn't crying.

T_T. You have to return. ---

Call me if anything happens. (Yoosung)

Call Seven if something happens. (707)

No need ^^ (707)

^^;;; (Yoosung)

Seven, look for my health too. (707)

;;; ---

Don't worry... Even if you don't wake up the party will be a success. ---

Seven is just playing with you lolol (Yoosung)
I'll wake you up... (Yoosung)

- - -

07:00 Jaehee's position

Hello, Jaehee. ---
Jaehee, are you still waiting for Jumin? (Jaehee)

I feel bad for Yoosung. (Jaehee)
Seven is really funny lol (707)

Hello. ---
Jumin, how was your flight? (Jumin)

How was the meeting with the Oil Prince? (Jaehee e 707)
How was the meeting with the Lady of the Bracelets? ---

Why don't we invite the Oil Prince to the party? ---
Korean wave is the korean wave...^^; ---

Jaehee, I think that's a bit rude. (Jumin)
How hard did you make her work for her to say that...? (Jaehee)

Still I do not think it's right to skip work. --- 
You really like the cat. (Jumin)

Jaehee was on standby the whole weekend because of you. (Jaehee)
The ones with power shall abtain freedom. (Jumin)

Cheer up, Jaehee! (Jaehee)
It may be difficult but what can you do... ---

Everything will work out. ---
Don't say sad things like that. (Jaehee)

Good bye, Jaehee. ---

- - -

09:05 Seven mocks Yoosung

Jaehee, are you busy today? (Jaehee)
Hello. ---

Why that organization? --- 
You did something good ^^ (Jaehee)

If that's the case, how about inviting the group to the party?
Those are good standards. ---

No way~ ---
Hello, 707. (707)

I never knew you did things like that. (707)
Yoosung, why are you crying. (Yoosung)

Naive Yoosung... Good bye. (707)
lololol So cute. (Yoosung)

lololololol (Yoosung)
Hurry and turn on the humidifier right now!! (707)
^^; (Jaehee)

!? ---
So cute lolol (Yoosung)

The lock stopped in this world. (707)
You were tricked. (Jaehee)

Seven lied to you that you have a disase. (Yoosung)
Yoosung, you are so naive.;;; (Jaehee)

There there... (Yoosung)
Congrats on being fooled. (Jaehee)

You should tell Jaehee that. (Jaehee)
I'll protect you, little boy. ---
I'll do what my heart desires. (Yoosung)

Yoosung, cheer up. ^^ (Yoosung)
Have a good day, Jaehee. (Jaehee)

- - -

10:00 Blame

It's V! ---
V, you're online. ---

Hello, Yoosung! (Yoosung)
It's fine. ---

I'm sorry? A week later is too soon... ---
What do you think, Yoosung? (Yoosung)

I don't feel burdened.... ---
You cared for me. ---
It would have been nice if you discussed this together... (Yoosung)

I will have to work together with the organization members. ---
We should hurry and gather guests. ---

Yoosung, you should calm down a bit. (Yoosung)
Maybe V has his own reasons? ---

But Yoosung does have a point. (Yoosung)
Small doubts tend to bring big doubts... (-1 Yoosung)

V, good bye. ---
I think deep in his heart, Yoosung understand too. ---

Cheer up. We're able to hold the party now anyways. (Yoosung)
Don't be so emotional. ---

I'll be fine. We can all try hard together. (Yoosung)
Whatever happens will happen. (-1 Yoosung)

- - -

12:50 I quit LOLOL

Jaehee, how is you break? (Jaehee) 
Hello, Jaehee. ---

omg... ---
Did Jumin interfere again? ---

I feel too bad for the cat to leave it with Seven. (Jaehee)
Yoosung, Hello~ (Yoosung)

He may be. (Yoosung)
Trust him a bit more. He is important to the organization. (Jaehee)

You didn't quit gaming, did you? (Yoosung)
Did you get a girlfriend? (-1 Yoosung)
Are you pregnant? ---

Why TOEIC all of a sudden? ---
Amazing. Quitting all at once! (Yoosung)

Don't really like guys who only have good resumes. (Yoosung)
You're finally becoming an adult. ---
Yoosung, you're not that normal. ---

Tsk tsk... (Jaehee)
Yoosung... You're so cute. (Yoosung)

So sad T_T The life of an employee. (Yoosung)
Still you are so capable and awesome career woman, Jaehee. (Jaehee)

I think trying something new always helps. (Yoosung)
You can get a griefriend at the TOEIC academy or in a club. ---

lololol Yoosung, do you have big feet? ---
Should I invite them to the party...? ---

Good bye, Jaehee. (Jaehee)
Good luck, Yoosung ^^ (Yoosung)

- - - 

15:00 No girlfriend

Zen, what are you doing? ---
Hey! It's handsome Zen. (Zen)

On the brink of madness. ---
Narcissist... ---
It's a serious problem. What do we do? Everyone's eyes will freeze. (Zen)

Ssup Yoosung. (Yoosung)
Yoosung, you're not going to play games? ---

lol Not bad. --- 
You're attractive ^^ (Yoosung)

Not my type. ---
You're okay. (Yoosung)

Because you're frigid. (Zen)
Because you're addicted to games. (Yoosung)
Because you're slow. ---

lmao ---
Hello, Jaehee. (Jaehee)
I like guys who are short. (Yoosung)

Being wild is important! (Zen)
I think that's a bit subjective. (Yoosung)

I think it's cute. (Yoosung)
It's tacky to be honest. (Zen)

I'm going to save this~^^ (Zen)
No wonder you were so subjective, Jaehee. --- 

No, I like it very much. (Zen)
Not really my type... (Yoosung)

God. I'm cringing. (Yoosung)
Now I know the true meaning of beauty. (Jaehee e Zen)

Beautiful Zen, have a good work out and see you later. (Zen)
Cheer up, Yoosung~. I feel you~! (Yoosung)

Wet hair, sweat drops rolling down his muscles... (Yoosung)
I want to work out with Zen... ---

I think it'll be nice to invite them. ---
Hmm... I'll think about it. ---

Hurry and go, Jaehee. ---
Good luck looking after the cat, Jaehee. (Jaehee)

- - -

17:04 Found him

Jaehee~ You're here again. (Jaehee)
Seven, hello~ (707)

It's nothing like that~. (Jaehee)
Are you being jealous? (707)

Jaehee, relax. lolol (707)
I don't think she's jealous. --- 

Shut that mouth. (707)
Do you want to see what real hysteria looks like? (Jaehee)

Omg (Jaehee)
lolol ---

Oh! You found the great lady! You are amazing. (707)
Don't joke around~ (Jaehee)

It is so beautiful that she puts so much passion into making worthless workbaskets for 15 years. Do you think (707)
I think he's high on something. (Jaehee)

Jaehee... I'm hurt T_T ---
We'll have a small wedding at the space station. (707)

Let's invite her! ---
I'm not going to invite her;; ---

I agree. (Jaehee)
Well... At least he's funny ^^ (707)

Okay, go ahead~ ---
Hope he's not just fishing... Good luck, Jaehee! (Jaehee)

- - -

19:18 Are you really...

Yoosung, it's a good evening~ (Yoosung)
Yoosung, are you taking a break from playing games? ---

We'll see...^^ ---
Good luck..^^ (Yoosung)

I support you, Yoosung. (Yoosung)
Yeah lolololol don't think it's possible. (Zen)

Hey hey everyone. ---
It's crowded here~ ---

That might be true. (Jaehee)
You're never gonna get a girfriend so just enjoy life.
lolol Stop teasing him. (Yoosung)

Jaehee, you're not... ---
lololol I enjoy teasing Yoosung too. (Yoosung)

Invite them to the party. ---
Hmm. Don't think they'll fit with the party theme ^^; ---

I guess cat's are pretty time consuming. (Zen)
It must be hard, Jaehee. (Jaehee)
Jumin must be busy with his schedule.

Don't be like that to Jumin. (Jumin)
Jaehee... I guess it's been really tough? (Jaehee)

Zen, talk to you later ^^ (Zen)
Jaehee, good luck~! (Jaehee)

- - -

21:08 New RFA party

Jaehee, he still hasn't picked up the cat? (Jaehee)
Oh! It's V. ---

I want to know what you do exactly. ---

Are you a painter? ---
Exhibition? ---

So cool~! (Jaehee)
I think he's rich. ---

I think the party will be fine without V's help. (-1 Jaehee)
Thank you, V! ---

Did I do something? ---
I am safe. --- 

What do you mean I'm not safe? ---
Jaehee;;; are you suspicious of me? ---

Hmm... I understand. ---
If you weren't going to trust me, you shoudn't have accepted me as a member in the first place. --- 

You do trust me, right? ---
You could have just asked me what you wanted to know...

I'll have to wait and see. (Jaehee)
I trust you too, V. ---

I'm amazed that you trust V so wholeheartedly. ---
Is V close with Mr. Han? --- 

Then you must have grown up in a rich neighborhood. ---
Then you two must have been close haha

I should be the one grateful for the opportunity.
Everyone has been helping me, so I'm not worried. (Jaehee)
It's a bit difficult but I guess I have no choice. ---

Have a good trip~ ---
You're leaving? ...Shoudn't you care more about the party? ---

.. ---
Yes. Have a safe trip; ---

I can't really figure him out. ---
I'm fine~. (Jaehee) 

He should focus on making the party of success. ---
Yes, thank you for explaining, Jaehee. ---

Yes. Good luck ^^ (Jaehee)
Bye. ---

- - -

22:00 The game that starts again

It's getting late... (Zen)
Zen, V was here. ---

He said he's quitting. --- 
I think he's playing games lol (Zen)

I think he'll put it off. (Yoosung)
How dare he escape the evil plans of LOLOL so easily. (Zen)

Yoosung, hello~ ---
Did you delete your game character? ---

Seven's suddenly here! (707)
Oh, it's Seven. ---

Stop teasing Yoosung... (Yoosung)
So good for them. (707)

What kind of logic is that? (Zen)
Yeah, you should thak Seven. (707)

So petty 222 ---
It's Yoosung's fault then. (707)

I don't understand either. ---
I like guys like Yoosung. (Yoosung)
Yoosung, be enlightened. (707)

Photo of a hypocrite. (Zen)
Just looking at it cleanses my soul(707)

lmfaoooooooooo (Yoosung)
Seven... I knew you were pure and charming. (707)

Yoosung... Don't fall for Seven's trick! It's a trap! (Yoosung)
Yeah. Don't follow Seven. ---

To be honest, I did expect him to start again. (Zen)
Stop messing with Yoosung~! ---
So now we return to base one. (707)

I thought you went to another city, not France; what's with the French? (Zen)
Bienvenue! (Jumin)

So cool...! (Jumin)
How pretentious. (Zen)

Zen is jealous~ (-1 Zen)
Zen, you have your own charms. (Zen)

Hurry and take her. Jaehee hads a rough time. (Jaehee)
The cat's so lucky~ (707)
I can't understand how you can like cats that much. (Zen)

Seven, you must like cats too. (707)
Should I invite them to the party? ---

Good idea. (707)
-_- (Zen)

What's wrong with dating Seven? (+ Zen e -1 707)
So childish. ---
No way I'll date Seven lol (-1 707 e+1 Zen) 

Bye, 707. ---
Zen, are you going to stay here? (Zen)

Good bye~. ---
Let's talk again, Zen ^^ (Zen)

- - -

23:15 Weird dream

Yoosung, how does it feel to be back on LOLOL? (Yoosung)
Jaehee, did Jumin take his cat? (Jaehee)

I think you more than deserve it? ---
Wow~! So awesome. (Yoosung)
I think someone made a fuss about quitting games earlier... (Jaehee) x

Go ahead, Jaehee~ (Jaehee)
Have courage, Yoosung. (Yoosung)

LOLOL guild... How about inviting them to the party? ---
Hope you become a legendary guild leader. ---

Hello~. ---
Zen, how was your work out? (Zen)

Why are you asking me that? ---
I have fun. (Zen)

This is creepy... ---
You can't trust me...? ---
To be honest, I'm using an app that only lets me say programmed things. ---

We might both be robots. ---
You're scaring me T_T ---

Talk to you tomorrow ^^ (Zen)
Good night. ---

- - -

32 comentários:

  1. Oi, eu estava lendo e pensando
    Eu joguei o dia 4 ontem, e depois do chat com o Zen veio o Yoosung com a mesma história dos robôs etc
    Teve uma visual novel depois, um bad ending que eu não entendi e meu jogo voltou pro início. Você sabe algo sobre isso? Porque eu não entendi é uma amiga minha que já jogou antes também não entendeu.

    1. Oi, o que aconteceu foi você ter pegado o bad ending do 5° dia da casual story. Você pode ter pego ele por 2 motivos: ganhou mais corações com o Seven e o Jumin ao invés do Yoosung, Zen e Jaehee, ou então participou de menos de 30% dos chats nos 4 primeiros dias :x

    2. Puts, já deu bad end.

  2. Então no caso o jogo deu "reset" pra eu conseguir a afinidade com um dos 3 da rota casual? Não tô crendo

    1. Sim, como você não entrou em nenhuma rota tem que começar do início...

  3. Respostas
    1. Nada, boa sorte na próxima rota!


      É uma coisa normal o Story mode começar no dia 4?!

    3. Sim, tem um no final do quarto dia

  4. Oi, tenho uma dúvida... Acabei de pegar o bad ending do dia 5 e meu jogo deu reset. Se eu quiser, posso desbloquear a deep story sem ter terminado a casual story?

    1. Pode sim! Só acho aconselhável jogar a deep story depois, principalmente a rota do Seven, se não a casual story pode acabar perdendo a emoção.

  5. Quando a Jahee pergunta se gostamos do Zen e queremos ir na rota dele devemos dizer algo em especifico?

  6. desta vez tem mas mensagem de manha que chato eu so acordo as 10h de manha perco varias mensagem acho que vou te que compra ou tenta acorda mas cedo....
    ta decidido vou compra!!

  7. Tipo de eu acabo de fazer a rota de um personagem e depois quero fazer a de outro, eu vou ter que começar a casual tudo de novo desde o prólogo?

    1. Sim, ou pagar as hourglasses necessárias e ir direto pra rota desejada. É melhor já deixar salvo no final do primeiro dia, pra não precisar ficar jogando ele toda vez que for iniciar uma nova rota.

  8. Este comentário foi removido pelo autor.

  9. Este comentário foi removido pelo autor.

  10. Como a gente escolhe a rota? Pq eu ja peguei uma do Yoosung, mas queria a do Zen

    1. Apenas seja legal com o Zen, e de respostas não tão boas pros outros

  11. Turu bom? Eu comecei a jogar faz pouco tempo, né, int, eu não entendi como que faz para escolher uma rota, se tem que jogar até algum dia, ou slá.
    Me ajuda pleasee
    (A rota que eu quero fazer é a do Seven)

    1. A rota do Seven só está disponível na deep story. Até dá pra escolher a rota, mas custa muitas hourglasses, de vc apenas jogar normalmente no quarto dia entrará em alguma rota, é só tratar bem o Seven (e não ligar muito pro Jumin) na deep story, que cairá na rota dele :)

  12. Tenho uma pergunta, quero fazer a deep story, ainda não a desbloqueei pois não tenho as ampulhetas ;-; mas isso n vem no caso agora! e sim... quando eu desbloquear a começar a rota do Jumin, quando eu terminar, posso jogar a rota do 707 de graça? ou vou ter que pegar mais 80 ampulhetas de novo?

    1. Você pode jogar a do Seven de graça, deep story só precisa ser comprada uma vez :)

  13. Hey, maioria das vezes eu falava mais com o 707, mas peguei a rota do Yoosung, e eu queria pegar a rota do Seven, o q eu faço?

  14. Eu joguei da primeira vez e caí no Bad Ending do 5° dia, fui pesquisar e vi que eu ginha pouco participado ou ganhado muitos corações da deep story, então reiniciei e joguei tudo de novo. No final dessa Bad Ending, Jaehee fala "... Da próxima vez, prossiga quando você tiver feito sua mente", claramente indicando que foi causado pela minha indecisão. Ok. Joguei tudo de novo e, dessa vez, não dei atenção nenhuma pro 707, pro Jumin ou pro Yoosung (pretendia pegar a rota dele depois), e só peguei (a maioria) dos corações com o Zen e a Jaehee (pois não consegui escolher apenas um).

    Mas esse é o ponto. Tem vezes no jogo que é simplesmente IMPOSSÍVEL você dar uma resposta ruim, literalmente, então claro que você vai ganhar corações com todos, mesmo que poucos. Mas então eu pensei "se é impossível driblar, principalmente, o Zen (que te dá Hourglass pelo menor nada KKKKK), então por ser da Casual Story, o jogo não vai me condenar por ter outros corações, vai simplesmente somar os que eu mais tenho (e eu foquei especialmente na Jaehee) e me deixar entrar logo na história. Mas não deu. Participei de muito mais do que 30%, mal olhei pros da Deep Story, mas, no final do quarto dia, começou aquela história de Sonho Estranho do Zen DE NOVO!!! Fui avançando e me deparei com Yoosung's History e já fiquei "???!!", fui vendo até. Dar. Na mesma. COISA!!! Jaehee fala a mesma coisa e tudo se reinicia.

    Eu não vejo o sentido nisso. Gostaria de uma ajuda, pois tô quase desistindo do jogo... Será que o jogo se importa mais com os Hourglasses ganhos...? Mas se fosse assim, eu estaria na rota do Zen, não?

    1. Você lembra se conseguiu mais de 50% de participação em todos os dias? Porque talvez isso possa ter mudado, antes 30% já era suficiente, mas agora não sei mais! Recentemente joguei novamente a rota do Seven e deu tudo certo. Se fez menos de 50% talvez possa ser isso, mas se mesmo fazendo mais que isso não conseguiu, então não entendo qual está sendo seu problema :(

  15. Olá eu joguei até o dia 4 mas no dia 5 iniciou uma história de robôs e então começou tudo de novo eu queria fazer a rota do Seven mas eu vou ter que gastar ampulhetas ou não? E como eu faço pra chegar no dia 5 e não começar tudo de novo?

    1. Olá, você pegou o bad ending provavelmente participou de poucos chatrooms, ou então não ganhou corações suficientes com os personagens da casual story (Holding, Jaeger, Zen)

  16. Bom, acabei pegando o final ruim no ep 5. Então fiquei nos 3 principais dos eps, principalmente a jaehee. Tô com 70% no primeiro dia e 100% do 2 ao 4. Quero fazer a rota do jumin, depois que passar o EP 4 posso começar a ganhar estrelas com ele para a rota??

    1. Foquei** agora espero não cair no bad ending dnv

    2. Se você já está em uma rota na casual story não irá conseguir fazer rota do Jumin. A dele só é possível na deep story
