quinta-feira, 16 de fevereiro de 2017

Mystic Messenger: respostas corretas dia 3 Casual Story

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3rd Day - Casual Story

00:00 Girlfriend and Zen

Zen, you're up pretty late. (Zen)
707, what are you doing this late at night? (707)

I think she has personal feelings for you. ---
I think she's your fan. --- 

I am your fan ^^ (Zen)

I'm not really sure^^; (+ Zen e -1 707)
A witty and creative alien? ---

An obedient woman.
A sensible woman. (Zen)
A woman who only cares for looks (707)

Your looks do play a huge part. ---
But if he weren't talented, his good looks might have played against him. (Zen)

Isn't it better to succeed? ---
I understand how you feel. ---

How did 707 help you? (707)
How did V help you? (Zen)

Are you not in good terms with Jumin? (Zen)
Zen, you're not jealous of Jumin, are you? (-1 Zen e + 707)

Good look on your work, Seven. (707)
Good night, Zen. (Zen)

- - -

03:04 Unstoppable LOLOL

Hiya. (Yoosung)
Yoosung, what are you doing at this hour? ---

Don't play games too much. ---
lolol It's okay. (Yoosung)

The game must be fun. ---
How about inviting them to the RFA party? ---

Since you are lonely. ---
You just fell for the game company's evil master plan. (Yoosung)

You raged too much... Good night~ (Yoosung)
Good night. ---

Jaehee, you logged in pretty late. (Jaehee)
Hello, Jumin. (Jumin)

Oh! That's a good idea. (+ Jumin e -1 Jaehee) 
That's a bit too much... (Jaehee)

I think Zen suit Jaehee better.
I guess that's how you group people in the company. ---

I think Jumin was just joking. (Jumin)
Capitalism is so sad... (Jaehee)

I want to go to bed now... ---
You seem very busy... Good luck! (Jaehee e Jumin)

- - -

07:30 Jumin and Cat and Zen

Zen, good morning. --- 
h... I'm satrting to feel fuzzy. ---

I usually wake up early ---
I spent a restless night with toughts of you. (Zen)

I think he's too practical. ---
You're the best in that area. (Zen)

How childish... (Zen)
Is this gap moe;;; (Jumin)

I'm leaving too;; ---
Good bye, Zen. ---

- - -

10:50 The person that has to be

Hey 707. (707)
Hello, Jaehee. (Jaehee)
Jumin, I've been seeing you often today. (Jumin)

Airport? ---
What meeting was it? ---

Seven, you didn't go to work yet? (707)
I guess Jumin is popular? ---
What kind of sugar-coated words? ---

I think it'll be good. ---
I don't think it's a good idea. ---

That small creature? (707)
The main character? (Jaehee)

Omg. ---
lololol ---

I don't think that person exists;; (Jaehee)
I think it's a story Yoosung would love lolol (Yoosung)

Everything is for elise! (Jumin)
Look for her lololol (707)
Omg... (Jaehee)

Jaehee... Good luck. (Jaehee)
You might find her once you start looking! ---

I have to go now. ---
Good luck! ---

- - -

12:15 Hansome Zen

Hiya ---
Zen, you're here. (Zen)

Add one more crazy patient~. ---
Master, you are here. (Zen)

I won't. --- 
Handsome~ (Zen)

I'm not going to... ---
Then I will~. (Zen)

See you later. ---
Oh no~. (Zen)

Jaehee, good to see you~. Zen was just here. (Jaehee)
Oh, Jaehee you just came in. ---

More people are coming in. ---
Yoosung, I missed you~! (Yoosung)

The photo of Zen. (Jaehee)
The LOLOL avatar, (Yoosung)

You have a DVD? ---
I want to see it too... (Jaehee)

Aren't you going to go game now? ---
Yeah.... (Yoosung) 

Thank you for being kind to me, Yoosung. ---
It's nothing. I'm only doing what I can. ---

I want to meet you and everyone else too. (Yoosung)
I guess V has his own ideas about the party. ---

Good bye. ---
Okay, enjoy the game and let's talk later ^^ (Yoosung)

- - -

13:05 The Lady of Bracelets

Do you think Zen looks handosome in the photo? (Jaehee)
Jaehee, you're online again? --- 

You mean Yoosung's game avatar? (-1 Jaehee)
The photo of Zen? (Jaehee)

There's no way Jaehee's going to take a photo of your avatar. (Jaehee)
Yoosung, good to see you ^^ (Yoosung)

Did you look into the Lady of the Bracelets? ---
Jaehee, you must really like Zen~ lolol (Jaehee) 

You like Zen's musicals and photos of him. ---
I feel like you have feelings for him... ---

lololol That's funny. ---
Why don't you invite her to the party? ---

Luciel... 707 must be an angel. (707)
I really can't get used to that name. 'Luciel' (Yoosung)

Yoosung is a really pretty name. (Yoosung)
I think Jaehee is a pretty name. (Jaehee)

Wow! I'm really curious about that club. (Yoosung) 
lolol.... ---

We should invite that club to our party! ---
Interesting. ---

Take care of yourself... (+ Jaehee e -1 Yoosung)
Did you level up? (Yoosung)

What are you going to do, Jaehee? (Jaehee)
Hot shower +_+ (Yoosung)

Jaehee... Good luck. I'm cheering for you! (Jaehee)
Yoosung, rest well! (Yoosung)

- - -

15:30 Jaehee's thoughts

I want to see you take a shower... (Zen)
Zen, Hello. ---

I want to go out with Yoosung... (Yoosung)
I hope he becomes more like you, Zen. (Zen)

I think you'll be more profitable as a model than as an actor. (-1 Zen)
Maybe they want you to model for them since you're handsome? (Zen)

Hello, Jaehee. ---
I agree too... (Jaehee)

If Yoosung gets a girlfriend, he might stop playing games. (Yoosung) 
I guess you focus more on women than hobbies, Zen. (Zen)

Do you like games, Jaehee? ---
You know everything, Jaehee. (Jaehee)

You're not ready to be in love. (Jaehee)
What's wrong with being busy? Love is more important. (+ Zen e -1 Jaehee)

Oh... So romantic!! (+ Zen e -1 Jaehee)
You'd lose your popularity though. (Jaehee)

Jaehee has a point. lol (Jaehee)
I want to fall in love...(Zen)

Jaehee, what did you say about being in love? ---
Logged out as fast as lightning... ---

I guess you're not as innocent girl lolol ---
lololol That's a long sentence. --- 

It's fine~ (Jaehee)
lololol (-1 Jaehee)

It's fine. You didn't say anything weird~. (Jaehee)
Will he add it though. lolol ---

- - -

17:56 Zen making a fuss

Yoosung, hello. ---
Did you finish your shower? lol (Yoosung)

It's not very good to be addicted to games. (-1 Yoosung)
You won't get lonely if you play in teams~. (Yoosung)
I'll make sure you're not lonely. (Yoosung)

What did you do during the day? ---
Do you have any hobbies other than games? (Yoosung)

I think it suits you. (Yoosung)
I think being a game junkie suits you better than coffee. --- 

Then how about lessening your game hours... ---
You don't. I'm just kidding haha (Yoosung)

Hello, lovely Zen. (Zen)
Hello Zen. ---

lolol you have so many typos. (Yoosung)
Zen, you have something you want to say? (Zen) 

I'm going to go play games too. ---
Go ahead. ---

Invite that group to the party! ---
It must have been hard for you... ---

You look better than a model! --- 
Looks okay lol ---

You should be a movie star!! ---
Why do you have to be so selfish and look so handsome? (Zen)

Yoosung, have fun with your game~ lolol (Yoosung)
Zen, good bye^^ ---

- - -

19:42 A slave of money, Seven

Jaehee, you're here. (Jaehee)
I'm here ^^ (707)

For what? (707)
Serves you right. (Jaehee)

I'll be careful of Seven, Jaehee ^^ (Jaehee)
Whatch out for yourself, 707. (707) 

To be honest, you do seem that way.
The more positive a person is, the more sensitive they are. ---

Have you lived your life this way, Seven? ---
It's not like you to be serious... ---

lololololololol (707)
Don't tease Jaehee~! (Jaehee)

Jaehee, let's talk soon~ (Jaehee)
Sleep tight, 707. (707)

- - -

21:15 Jalapenos topping

Hey, Yoosung. (Yoosung)
Hiya, Jaehee. (Jaehee)

Hello, Zen. (Zen)
I'm worried about Seven. (Jaehee)

Your productivity would probably increase. (Jaehee)
Woudn't it feel as if you're under someone's control? --- 

I can lock you up lol (Yoosung)
Try talking on another hobby ^^

Let's talk about somehting more appropriate. (Jaehee)
Zen, have you ever acted out a situation where you're locled up? (Zen)

lolololololol What is that? lololol (Zen)
I wanna eat jalapeno cheese burger pizza. (Yoosung)

Jaehee! You have a really good memory. (Jaehee)
lolololololol I want to see that play. (Zen)

You get fat. (Jaehee)
Me too... -- 

I'm going to go by myself.
Let's build up the transfat together everyone (Yoosung)

I want to see that musical too. (Jaehee)
I think you'll do well in anything Zen. (Zen)
I'll probably order pizza too. (Yoosung)

Zen, good luck working out ^^ (Zen)
Bye Yoosung. (Yoosung)
Jaehee, good bye^^ (Jaehee)

- - -

23:00 Yoosung is living alone

Yoosung, when are you going to bed? ---
Playing games? (Yoosung)

You did. (Yoosung)
You didn't. ---

Sounds good. --- 
It's a good idea, but I'm not sure if we'll get anything out of it. ---

Please contact them as soon as you can. (Yoosung)
Thank you. (Yoosung)

Be prepared it it tastes bad ^^ (Yoosung)
Thank you. ^^ (Yoosung)

Hello, Zen ^^ (Zen)
Yoosung is off to play games~. (Yoosung)

You don't deserve yop say anything to Yoosung. ---
Omg... scary. ---
You really owe V your life. (Zen)

I don't really care for looks. (Zen)
I have a pretty picky taste. ---

I'll think about it. ---
Invite them! ---

lolol That's interesting. Good night ^^ (Zen)
Sleep tight. ---

- - -

9 comentários:

  1. Eu odeio o horario das chatroom tem meia noite depois tres horas da madrugada eu perco quase todas das manha eu so acordo as 10h ja perdi duas convesas eu perde mas tive que compra e acho que vou te que compra mais

    1. Sabe oque eu faço, eu volto o horário do meu celular, sempre da certo.

    2. Você vai nas configurações do celular e muda a hora. Exemplo, o chat foi 2:59 eu vou lá e mudo pra esse horário.

    3. Eu acordo as 6:30 e ai da tempo de eu fazer o das 3 da manha e das 7

  2. O risquinho azul escuro em frente à resposta significa o quê?

  3. Olá... Para mim, o nome do Yoosung está com uma estrela em cima, é algo normal?
    E como ganho as ampulhetas?

    1. Sim, é assim mesmo. As ampulhetas você pode conseguir trocando os corações por ela, ou então podem ganhá-las aleatoriamente durantes os chatrooms. Em atualozações costumam dar ampulhetas também :)
