terça-feira, 14 de fevereiro de 2017

Mystic Messenger: respostas corretas dia 1

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Aqui escreverei começarei a escrever um guia de todas as respostas corretas, pra você saber o coração de qual personagem vai ganhar com cada resposta. Isso pode te ajudar a pegar a rota que quiser :)

Ps: O nome na frente da resposta corresponde ao personagem com quem você ganhará um coração. Os símbolos  ★ ✦ ✸ são para ligar as respostas, pois as vezes uma resposta pode desencadear uma outra resposta e assim por diante. os --- significam que a resposta não dá coração para nenhum personagem.

Chat inicial ~ 

Hello... ---

I am MC. who are you all and what is this place? (707)
Reveal yourselves first. I'm the most confused one here... (Jumin e Zen)

I am flustered too. I was connected to a stranger trhough a messenger app and he sent me the address. (Zen) 
I came here while chatting with a personal called 'Unknown'. Do you know him by any chance? (Jumin)

The username was 'Unknown'. And the record was deleted. ---

Ya. I know nothing (Zen)
Yes. (Jumin) 

just got it @ app store... (Zen)
I just wanted to download the game and play it. (Yoosung)
I just wanted to chat with pretty boys... (Jaehee)

What is this chat room for;;? ---
Who's V? ---

But I'm not a girl. ---
You're not violatin my... ---
Where did you get that info!? ---

Luciel? ---
What's classified information? ---

Who the hell is Rika? ---
I just came here to find the owner of the phone... What is going on... ---

I'm not really intererested. (Zen)
Please explain. --- 

Oh... Alright. I'll listen for now. ---

A party? ---
Good cause? ---

What do you mean? ---
I thought this is just a messenger app? ---

I'm not interested. (Jaehee)
Alright. It looks fun. I'll give it a go. (Jumin e Yoosung)
What do I get if I join? ---

Wtf... ---

- - - 

1st Day ~

00:03 Welcome1

Just one lonely sheep longing for someone's arms. ---
I'm just an average person. --- 
I'm a pretty unique person. (707)

I'm gonna eat you up RAWR (Yoosung)
What's a wolf? ^^ (Yoosung)

So what. --- 
It's nice to see that you're positive. (Yoosung)

Haha I'm joking. ---
Nope lol (Yoosung)

Lol you're gonna be so surprised when you see me in person. ---
I'm not really the cute type... --- nn
Thank you ^^ (Yoosung) nn

Ya. ---
I hope so;

What games? ---
Have fun~ ---

LOLOL? Ludicrous Otaku and Lego Otaku's Life? ---
LOLOL? League of Loneliness of Life? (Yoosung)

- - - 

02:21 Welcome2

Jaehee, why are you awake? ---
I still have no idea how to play this game T_T --- 

Aren't you tired? --- 
You're so diligent. --- 

I'm so jealous that you don't need a lot of sleep~! (-1 Jaehee)
Shouldn't you be getting more sleep...? (Jaehee)

I am quite the diligent one. ---
I'm pretty lazy; ---

Thank you for your advice.
Why are being so fussy;; (-1 Jaehee)


It's nothing. You're just concerned for me. (Jaehee)
You do;;

Sorry if I hurt your feelings^^; (Jaehee)
I just said it because it looked fun. (-1 Jaehee)

- - - 

04:35 Zen's complaint

In this dark endless night, art the water drops on the window my solitude, or thy teardrops... ---
Hello, Zen. --- 

It's not a sonet. ---
I'm Emily Bronte. (Zen)

My heart's beating fast too.
^^;; ---
My heart's beating fine. --- 

A bit?
Nope; (-1 Zen)
*drool* (Zen)

Why that long? (Zen)
You can go out with me. (Zen)
It's been longer for me. ---
You must be unattractive. (-1 Zen)  

- - - 

07:00 Yoosung's complaint

Are you not interested in girls? (Yoosung)
You've never had a girlfriend;;;? ---  
Me to...  --- 

Cheer up^^; (Yoosung)
Hahahaha Tsk tsk ---
I'll tell you how to get it on. (Yoosung)

Fried chicken makes you fat...^^; ---
Sounds kewl. (Yoosung)

Gimme food too. ---
I wanna marry ya. (Yoosung)
Enjoy breakfast ^^ (Yoosung)

- - - 

08:00 Jumin's lonely morning

You haven't left for work yet? ---
Hello. ---

But Jumin, don't you have to go to work? (Jumin)
What were you doing, Zen? (Zen)
I'm sleepy... ---

I was just bored lol ---
Now that the sun has risen, my body and mind ache in loneliness. ---

omfg... (Zen)
Oh. A cat. ---
Wow! So pretty. (Jumin)

Jumin's kinda scary ;;
I'm lonely... I'm painfully lonely. ---
Jumin's a born businessman. (Jumin)

It's better to treat people like actual human beings than to be strict. (Zen)
Isn't natural to just work as much as you get paid? (Jumin)

Well... Labor management relations is always a compliocated issue. --- xx
Can we change the subject? (Zen)
I'm pretty sure it's tears of joy +_+ (Jumin)

I tend to like them. --- xx
Cats are a bit scary. (Zen)

I prefer cats. (Jumin)
I prefer dogs.

Good bye. ---
Good bye, lovely Zen ^^ (Zen)

- - - 

10:04 Seven loves cats

Hello, Jumin. (Jumin)
Hello, 707. (707)

Lol cat mom (-1 Jumin)
The cat's pretty... haha (Jumin)

Ya. I'll have to careful. ---  
Seven just seems like he likes to joke around? (707) 

He must be really skilled. ---
Seven, what do you do? (Jumin)

I think he's funny. (707)
Have you been here? ---

Good bye. (Jumin)
Bye, my bae character~ ---

I'll believe you. (707)
I'll see. ---

Laterz ---
Good bye. ---

- - - 

11:58 Seevn's Investigation

What are you researching? --- 
You're not playing games? (Yoosung)

That makes me uncomfortable. Please stop. (-1 707)
Did you find anything? ---

Wow. what a childish username lol ---
I think yes way; (707)

Can't you just tell me? --- 
I think I have the right to know. --- 

It was my choice to come here; --- 
Yes. ---

I'm kind of bored (707)
Ya (Yoosung)

Why is rika so important to everyone? ---
How did Rika leave this world? ---

Good bye, Seven. ---
Good bye, Yoosung. ---

- - - 

12:50 Jaehee's expectation

Jaehee, please tell me about Rika. ---
Hello, Jaehee. ---

Are you doing a background check on me? ---
About me? (Jaehee)

I'll think about it. ---
I think it will be fun. (Jaehee)
Can't someone else do it? ---

Jaehee. Are you always so formal? ---
So... what will I have to do? Specifically... (Jaehee)

Okay. ---

What's the benefit of hosting the party again? ---
Is the party that grand? ---

Do you hope V to come back? ---
It's so difficult T_T ---
Why except for Yoosung...? ---

Good bye. ---
Bye, ma'am. ---

- - - 

13:48 Jumin's curiosity

Hello, Jumin. (Jumin)
How do you do, Mr. Han? ---
Whassup mista trustfundkid ---

Is that a threat? (Jumin)
Why? ---

It's so hard. Help me, lovely Jumin. (-1 Jumin)
Don't worry. I'll do a good job. (Jumin)
Is the job hard? ---

I'll try my best. --- 
So all I have to do is be good at picking randomly? ---

I'm not interested. --- 
I'd like to do it with you, Jumin. ---
I'd like to do something meaningful. (Jumin)

Conquering the world. (707)
Making a living with my kind of man. (-1 Jumin)
Cats (Jumin)

Good bye. ---
See ya~ ---

- - - 

15:00 Zen reminisces about the old

Zen, Hi~ ---
Today's weather was nice. ---

Did you have fun at your rehearsal? ---
Are you okay? (Zen) 

I bet I can sing better. ---
I'm tone deaf. (Zen)
I'd like to hear it too. ---

I feel a bit of pressure. ---
The party was that big? ---

Work? ---
Fame? ---

I'm hungry... ---
I already ate. ---

- - - 

16:50 Who hates to work?

Hello, 707. ---
Whoot whoot~! ---
Whoah~! Who's this guy?! (707)

I'm here babe. (707)
-_- ---

Because you like me? (707)
Because I joined the organization? ★
Lack of caffeine. ---
Because you don't have a cat. ---

They're different? ---
Omg... How did you hack it? (707)

Maybe she is really still alive? (707)
Any possibility that 'Unknown' is 'Rika'? ---
Do you have feelings for Rika? ---

She's beautiful. ---
My looks are better. ---

Why did you have to show it now;; (707)
Cross dressing!? ---

I can protect myself. ---
Okay. (707)

Thank you for telling me all these things. (707)
Good bye, 707. ---

- - - 

18:02 Yoosung's hope for the new

Hello, Yoosung. ---
What are you doing at this hour? ---

What do you want to know? ---
Are you good at games? (Yoosung)

What do I have to do? --- 
Party? ---

I feel quite a bit of pressure ---
I'll do my best ^^ (Yoosung)
You just do whatever I say. (Yoosung)

I hope I can be of help. (Yoosung)
Don't look forward to it too much. ---

I'll do what I can ---
Thank you. (Yoosung)

Don't get too into playing games. ---
Good luck! (Yoosung)

- - - 

18:58 Concerns of two men

Zen, you're on. (Zen)
Hello, Jumin. (Jumin)

Why? ---
Is it good that I'm here with you guys? ---

Why do I have to prove my worth to anyone? (Zen)
What is your worth, Jumin? (Jumin)

Do I have no choice? ---
I first intend to try my best. (Jumin e Zen)

I'm not sure yet... I'll just do it for now I guess. (Zen)
If I try my best, then everything will be good. (Jumin)

Tell your cat hello, Jumin. (Jumin)
Go ahead, Zen. (Zen)

- - - 

19:40 Discussion about the party

I have a lot on my mind after today. (Jaehee)
Did everyone eat? ---
It's a beautiful evening. (Jumin)

Yes. ---
Not yet... ---

Take out is not good for you... (Jaehee)
Did something happen? --- 

Why would Jaehee be against it? ---
Is bad to be against it? --- 

I see that you two are pretty close. ---
Ouch. ---

I plan to do my best. (Jumin)
Don't expect too much. (Jaehee)

I don't think that's within business hours; (Jaehee)
What's going on with you two? ---

Bye, Mr. Han. ---
Good bye. (Jumin)

Nope. ---
Yes. (Jaehee)

- - - 

21:50 Zen's expectation

Zen, you're not sleeping yet? (Zen)
Hello. ---

I tend to. (Zen)
No.  ---

I'm excited for all the things to come. --- 
I am a bit curious to see what will happen. ---
I'm a bit lost. ---

That's good haha (Zen)
What do you mean? ---

What do you want to do when you meet me? ---
Is V that important? ---

Is V his name? ---
Why doesn't V come here often? ---

I'm going to rage all night. ---
I'll go to bed soon. (Zen)

- - - 

22:30 Excited Yoosung

Yoosung, what are you up to? (Yoosung)
Wachu doin? ---

Why don't you try exercising for a bit and then go to sleep? --- 
Are you love sick? (Yoosung)
Aren't you expecting too much from me? ---

Aww yeah~Eye candy lol ---
Not really interested; ---
I don't exercise either. (Yoosung)

I feel a bit strange. ---
Am I similiar with Rika? ---
Did you like Rika? --- 

All this talk about Rika is making me uncomfortable. ---
I see. (Yoosung)

I plan to do my very best. (Yoosung)
I'll do what I can. ---
I'm going to do whatever I want. ---

We'll see. --- 
I won't. (Yoosung)

Hmm... (Yoosung)
Only joking ^^ Alright. ---

Laterz ---
Be careful^^ (Yoosung)
Good bye. ---

- - - 

23:15 Jaehee's favor

Jaehee, you're still awake. (Jaehee)
Hello. (Jaehee)
I'm sleepy... ---

Just cuz... ---
I'm just sending this before I fall asleep. ---

I plan to try my best. (Jaehee)
Could you please explain again what I have to do? (Jaehee)
I'll think about it. ---

What king of person is Jaehee? (Jaehee)
I am curious of Yoosung. (Yoosung)
I'm curious of Zen. (Zen)
I'm curious of Jumin. (Jumin)
I am curious of 707.

^^ ---
You're fun too. (Jaehee)
I won't avoid you haha. ---

Sleep tight. ---
Good night! ---
Good bye~ ---

- - - 

12 comentários:

    Já vi que vou me ferrar muito ;---;

  2. Respostas
    1. é basicamente isso kkkkkkkkk mas podemos confessar que pode valer muito a pena kkkkk ( ╹▽╹ )

  3. tem as respostas das ligações que recebemos?

    1. As ligações não afetam em nada o final que você terá, então pode dar qualquer resposta.

  4. oii será que você poderia postar de novo, só que em espanhol?

  5. É possível ter um final com o jumin na rota normal? Eu li em algum lugar que só é possível no deep route, pq eu gostei dele e queria ir nele
